Don’t Forget the Most Important Thing

school-bus-picking-up-kids-It’s the first day back to school here in my sweet little hometown of Austin, MN. I spent the morning pouring through posts & pictures on Facebook of friends & family sharing glimpses of their morning.  There were the sweet little smiles of Kindergarteners waiting for the big yellow bus to pick them up and take them off to school for an entire day.  There were excited Seniors ready to conquer their final year and enjoy all the lasts this year will offer them. Some parents posted of their excitement to ship the kids off to school and to a more structured routine. Others were white knuckling it as they dropped off their kids and the door shut behind them.

Let Your Light Shine

Like most moms, I have spent this weekend loving on my kids a little more. Their sweet little faces have been cradled in my hands and I just can’t stop the hugs and kisses from pouring out.


 I went upstairs last night to tuck in my oldest son. The lights were out and I was trying to contain the emotions that were bubbling at the surface. My son asked me, “Mommy, did you just get out of the shower? Your face is all wet.” And suddenly the tears that I had been trying so hard to keep at bay came rushing out.  I shared with him the tragic events that took place in Connecticut on Friday morning. I tried to explain it in a way that a 9-year old mind could comprehend. But I found the task daunting as my own 35-year old mind struggles to make sense of it all.

Time Out

Just gave myself a “time out” from my middle child. My adorable, high energy, too smart for his own britches, strong willed child.  As I’m writing this the tears are falling onto my laptop because, well, I just can’t seem to stop them today.

Time out

Parenting is the toughest job you’ll ever have. That’s what everyone always says. What they don’t say is that by “toughest” they mean the most exhausting and exhilarating job you’ll ever have.  And usually both at the same time. They don’t say that you’ll learn more about yourself than you ever really cared to. But you will. Because truth be told, one of the things that makes parenting so hard is the ability it has to expose us as parents. The ability to bring to light our own areas of weakness, our own selfish motives, our own bad attitudes.