The Little Things

So, have you ever had God kind of throw something at you over & over again only to finally realize that it’s because He really wants you to “get it?”  Sometimes there’s recurring themes in my life.  It usually means I need to sit down & reflect on what He wants me to get out of it.  It can kind of remind me of watching a preview for a movie that I really want to see.  I keep seeing the preview over & over again, but never actually make time to watch the movie. Well, there’s been a recurring theme in my life lately & it’s this “the little things.”  So, I finally had to sit down and “watch it.”

This last weekend I was at Lake Geneva for our ladies BTG (Bridging the Gap) MN district retreat.  It seemed like everywhere I went whether it was the big main session speakers, or with a smaller group of ladies for the pastor’s wives tea time, or at the “journey story” sessions, God kept speaking to me about the little things.  In life, it’s the little things that really do make a difference.  It’s the leaf note my husband sent me just to let me know he loved me & was missing me.  It’s the “stopping smack dab in the middle of something important” to have a snuggle session with my son at his request.  It’s the impromptu pillow fight with the family when we’re supposed to be winding down & tucking them in. Somehow in life, although we have grand moments that mark us, it seems to be the little things that bring us the deepest peace & contentment.  This reminder has been coming to me from all kinds of places, one of them being my old journal that I kept while living in Costa Rica many years ago.  For whatever reason, last night I was digging through old boxes & found it and started reading through it.  An entry from 6/3/99 said this, “What makes God so dear to us is not so much His big blessings to us, but the tiny things, because they show His amazing intimacy with us…that He knows EVERY detail of our invidivual lives.”  I think maybe a reason the little things mean so much is exactly that-they involve intimacy. That God would die for us because of His love for us is amazing.  That He would go on to actually know each of us so well individually that He could orchestrate things in our lives that no-one else can…well, that’s just downright intimate. 🙂

So, if life is crazy right now and you feel like it’s kinda passing you by, then I encourage you today to stop & enjoy something little.  The beautiful fall leaves, the gorgeous multi-colored mums on your neighbors front porch, the smell of fresh baked apple pie (you may have to take some intiative on this one & actually make one:)) or even just the smile you get from a child today. Enjoy them.  And then take heart in knowing that your heavenly Father knows every detail of your life and He’s there to not only walk through life with you,  but to enjoy it with you as well.

I'm an English Breakfast tea drinker who loves the color green. I enjoy reading, writing and baking and am a world traveler "wannabe". I am mother to three of the most amazing kids & am madly in love with my husband who just also happens to be my best friend. I am passionate about all things faith & family. We live a rather quiet & simple life...I wouldn't want it any other way.

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