One Washing for all Mankind

Wash me.

num19-washedFrom my past and all of its hold over me.  The poor choices I have made and the harmful acts that have been done unto me.  This pain and this heavy shame, that roll in like ocean tide, knocking me off my feet and leaving me catching my breath.

Save me. Make me. 

White again. Cleansed again. Whole again.

For I believe that the act of one man set into motion a Wash Cycle for all mankind. 

His death on a cross for me, for you…was an act of washing. Of setting us free.


What can wash away my sin?

nothing but the blood of Jesus.

What can make me whole again?

nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Nothing can for sin atone, 

nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Naught of good that I have done, 

nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Nothing but….nothing other than ONLY

the precious blood of Jesus.

Only through the washing and yet everything gets included under the washing.

Every mistake. Every sin. Every prideful attempt. Every hurt. Every loss.

Everything we bring to Him.

We are washed by a blood that makes all things new again.  A washing process that scrubs out our stains and leaves us white, clean & whole.  He takes us, our dirty rags and all and he soaks us in His grace. We are tossed and turned and sometimes we wrestle in the wash, feeling the full weight of our desperate need for a Savior.  But then He gently rinses us off, removing all traces of our muck and our dirt and He sets us apart.  We are clean. We are made right with God. We are saved.

Saved from ourselves, from our sin and from eternal separation from God.

We have been made righteous by his blood.

This is all my hope & peace, 

nothing but the blood of Jesus.

This is all my righteousness, 

nothing but the blood of Jesus. 

Oh, precious is the flow

that makes me white as snow;

No other found I know,

nothing but the blood of Jesus. 

I'm an English Breakfast tea drinker who loves the color green. I enjoy reading, writing and baking and am a world traveler "wannabe". I am mother to three of the most amazing kids & am madly in love with my husband who just also happens to be my best friend. I am passionate about all things faith & family. We live a rather quiet & simple life...I wouldn't want it any other way.

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