Be brave and PAUSE


“The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.” -Mark Twain

I have been trying to hit the pause button in my life a little more often lately.
It seems the busier life gets, the less time I have to pause and yet….the craving for the pause grows stronger within me.

To be perfectly honest with you, pausing can be hard for me.  With all the hustle and bustle of life I find myself scurrying from one noisy  thing to the next. And while I crave the quiet I am also at times uncomfortable with the quiet. 

His Messy Masterpiece

starrynightwallpaper3Life is so messy. It just is. The older I get the more I realize I don’t have it all together. And neither does anyone else. For many of us, we are just trying to do our best to navigate this world we live in while trying to shine His light in a lost, confused and messy world.

Slippery Little Suckers

I’ve heard it said before that comparison is the thief of joy.

I’m gonna steal a quote from “Pretty Woman” and say I think that comparison is also a slippery little sucker. (Insert image of an escargot flying across the dinner table.) Escargotbordeaux

Thank You 100M4HUNGER


To my friend.

Thank you for sharing your journey with us. For dreaming big. For showing us what it looks like to be wrecked by something and then putting action behind those feelings. 

Thank you for showing us that when you allow yourself to dream God-sized dreams, are obedient on your end, and then trust him to do his part…ANYTHING  is possible!  Thanks for the reminder that love is always reason enough.

Rinse & Repeat

Rinse & Repeat

Sometimes God uses the words our kids speak to relay an important message to us.

If we’re listening, sometimes we can hear more than just what’s being said in the natural. If we’re truly listening, sometimes we can hear the quiet assurance, direction, comfort or even correction that he’s whispering to us.

For me it was that last one.

This morning when I woke up I was reminded of what went down last night. And it wasn’t pretty. The heavy, sticky feeling of regret still clinging to me.